Tuesday, July 29, 2014

114 AD - Alien Innovation

Aliens are naturally slimy, so it seems logical that native Peruvians would heartly refute these claims – how could a slimy extra-terrestrial stack rocks?  (not to mention, as mentioned in an earlier post, it isimpossible for aliens to visit our planet).  Adding to their disbelief in alien innovation, Peruvians regard their Inca ancestors as perfectly capable of such magnificent architectural achievements.
New Age Cosmologists, and the KKK, continue to disregard the Peruvians as misinformed, uneducated, sub-human life forms incapable of creating the masterpiece of Machu Picchu.  “It’s just too dang complicated for them Incas to have figur’d out” stated a New Age representative.  “Today, in our advanced culture, we can harness and direct energy by utilizing rock-crystals.  Just think about it… how could this ancient civilization engineer such an incredible feat by just using their brains and bust-your-butt labor?”
A thought-provoking question indeed.

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